Your stories - Star Wars 9 - A Review

Film Review

I guess you already know “Star Wars” a bit, so I don't have to tell you the basics.

The main character in “Star Wars 9” is Rey. In my opinion, Rey is depicted as too good a fighter. For example, in “Star Wars 7”, she has never fought with a lightsaber and then, in her first fight, she wins against Kylo Ren, who is a very strong Sith Lord. 

In “Star Wars 9”, Rey wins against Kylo Ren again, but this time she kills him. But then she brings him back to life with her Force. At the End Kylo and Rey fight against the ultimate Sith Lord Darth Sidius. By the way, Darth Sidius is Rey’s granddad. They win against him but Rey dies.
This time, Kylo Ren revives her. But because of that, Kylo dies. At the very end Rey creates her own lightsaber. It's my favorite because it's yellow. "Star Wars 9" is the last Star Wars film.

Photo by Simon Zhu on Unsplash
