
Showing posts from 2019

Happy Birthday, Thalia!

Mogel Motte and other games - some information on our skiing week

Trips to foreign countries

Nicht nur Ostereier "lauern" unter Büschen

Easter in Köln

Trip to London

A dark part of Irish history...

TED ed - Football physics: The "impossible" free kick ... and "Famous Women" continued

Leprechauns, shamrocks, green and white and orange... It's Irish Week at KLEX!

The week before carnival



Slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. Have fun in the sun but don´t get fried.

Catch a glimpse of our "Schatztag"

Safer Internet

The week of our German test

Model texts for the test / "have to" in emails

Thank God I live on a hill!

Bite Sip Eat

Three songs for soon-to-be teenagers

Koalas & kangaroos