My favourite Place - Class 2kb - Mindmap work - a poem


I walk in the wood…..
I walk in the wood with my sister….
I walk in the wood with my sister and my dog……
I walk in the wood with my sister, my dog and the sunshine on my face….
I walk in the wood with my sister, my dog, with the sunshine on my face and I reach a green meadow...

I walk on the way to my grandparents' house…..
I walk on the way to my grandparents' house with my sister….
I walk on the way to my gradparents' house with my sister and my dog....

But now the way is blocked.


The wood is like a zoo
If you are silently walking through
you can see the animals
and how they live in their paradise
You can't touch them, but you can look
And you can find them in a book
If you want to rest 
The wood is what's best
You can lie in the sun
And have so much fun
And if the sun's too hot
You can find a cool spot
Yes, the wood – the wood
Is really good
It is my favourite place!

by Annika 

There is also an audio version of these poems here on Enjoy! 
