Doggo - Another pet talking - Mindmap 07 - allowed to & GUESSING GAME

Hi, I'm Doggo the Dog.
I know my name is crazy but it is what it is.
I have to tell you my rules.
I'm not allowed to play with my owner's slippers.
I'm not allowed to eat fresh meat so I always get the meat-leftovers - sometimes I really feel like a trash-bin.
My favourite rule is "Just one walk per day". I'm so lazy, I hate my walk.
I'm not allowed to howl in the night because my owner is afraid of wolves.
I'm not allowed to drink coca cola and this makes me crazy.
That´s why I sleep my whole life.

Written by ...?

People from KLEX, can you guess who wrote this text? 
Here is the first hint (apart from the obvious proficiency at English):
The writer is as rebellious as Doggo - "rebellious" as in "showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention".
Second hint: the writer is a boy!
Leave your guesses in the comments-section.
