Safer Internet

Hi Thalia,

Thank you for your Tim Tam Blog. I think it's very delicious.
On Monday we had a workshop on our Internet usage habits. It was called "Safer Internet" and it showed us how dangerous social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, WhatsApp and many others can be.
Christian, the man doing the workshop, showed us how people can create a fake profile in little more than 3 minutes and pretend to be a 10-year-old girl or 13-year-old boy. We learned how easy it is to think this is our new IBF (Internet best friend) whereas in reality a 60-year-old man is there to cause children pain.
We also played a little Kahoot-Quiz on Instagram pictures and if they are real or fake. It was really great fun. I hope we will have another Safer Internet Workshop some time soon!

