Unspoken Rules - Mindmap 07 - allowed to/let

We don't really have strict rules that are written on a piece of paper hanging somewhere in the house. Our rules are kind of unspoken rules that just ARE, that just exist:

"Don't you dare to not do the dishes when I scream!"

"Stop being a coach-potato and go out into the woods like 'Little Red Riding Hood'!"

"Stop being on that damn phone all day long!"

"Can you just get up when I shout like I wanna wake the neighbours up and come, eat dinner!"

"I can make bad and mean jokes, but don't you dare to talk back with attitude!"

Of course these are all designed by my parents.

No, I'm just kidding - none of them are true. Well, SOME are not true😉.
Now, joking aside, there actually are no concrete "rules" in our house, apart from helping in the household and basic stuff like that.

That's what I think is really laid-back and for some people the first thing they notice when they come to our house, my parents are totally flexible. So you could always come to me, they wouldn't mind that you've never been at my place before and that's pretty cool. My parents are also super laid-back about my grades and stuff. Of course they want me to have good grades but it's not the most important thing. As long as I don't fail a class, everything's totally fine. 

I think you (Ms Hodschar) wanted me to do something like "I'm allowed to do this" or "I'm not allowed to do that" but that would have been boring.


dare - wagen (wagen, etwas zu tun)
coach-potato - jemand, der nur auf der Couch liegt, der nicht raus geht
with attitude - meaning "with a bad attitude" - frech!
laid-back - entspannt
