
Showing posts from March, 2020

Superstitions! - Mindmap 07 - Conditional I

Describing objects - Guessing Game - VIP

More rules - Mindmap 07 & Guessing Game - allowed to/let

New ways to spend the day - In a Heartbeat

Pet Talk - Fantastic animal texts - Mindmap 07 - allowed to

Stop Motion - When friends have your back - Arts Project

"We often fight about screen time" - Rules - Mindmap 07 - allowed to/let

Describing objects - Guessing Game - VIP

When life changes the rules - REVISIT! Because the answers are so telling...

Pet Talk - Hilarious Animal Texts - Mindmap 07 - allowed to

Unspoken Rules - Mindmap 07 - allowed to/let

Creating & Advertising Your own Products - VIP

Pet Talk - Funny Animal Texts - Mindmap 07 - allowed to