The (B)all Player
Whenever you feel down
The game is picking up speed
It would be wiser to walk now
Than to push your weary feet.
The blinding darkness fades as
The black bird beats a retreat
You fast join in the game again
You are ready to compete.
verb - strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others
The Ball Player
Without breaking your stride you duck
every ball.
How long before you take a hit
and fall?
Draw the line! Where do you?
At the mosquito‘s song in your ear - or at
The tiny bug’s feet you fear
At the bird caught between window panes - or at
The deer jumping out of breakdown lanes
Maybe you draw it at a dog or a cat
I bet you would - if they were your pet
What’s a life worth anyway
Who’s dealing the cards and who’s to pay
Children in a warzone, forests ablaze
When will we finally change our ways
I hear the line is drawn at one's own kin. I wonder
Is the world we leave them still worth living in?
(Stone Cold Crazy OR: Why are we too blind to see…
Inspired by the Incident of the Dove, Queen, Coolio & the bloody news)
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