
Showing posts from 2020

We are sorry!

Basti Werbespot

Basti im Sommergespräch

Kochen mit Basti - der zweite Streich der Nachwuchssatiriker aus der KLEX

Der KLEX-Jahresbericht ist da! Jetzt lesen!

Apart from each other - a rap about the challenges of the lockdown -

Modern Worries - A Short Film by Loric Demander WINNER IN THE 2020 MEDIA LITERACY AWARD!

I Can't Breathe - a song for justice and peace -

Klimavolksbegehren-Werbung: Radio Steiermark bringt einen Beitrag zum Werk der KLEX Schulgemeinschaft

Ecuador - A Film by Loric Demander

Auf ein Wort... Schulleiter Klaus Tasch im Gespräch - Neues auf

Homestory: Basti - a political satire by Loric Demander with Johannes Häfele and Elena Trantow


"...but now the way is blocked!" New recordings on - Mindmap work class 2kb

This is US, this is KLEX! A movie by Loric Demander and Lukas Partl

Meisterlich märchenhaft erzählen... - 1kb

Storytelling through moving pictures that will move you!

New ways to spend the day - #stayathome - National Opera Paris

Storytelling in 3 Minutes - 2kb - Mindmap work - Teacher's Input

New ways to spend the day - Storytelling through Dancing - Chriss Cross, "Into the light"

Journey to "Crenshaw" - a sequel to the book by Katherine Applegate - VIP

Film als Lernform: What will happen if...? - Mindmap 07 - a very special speaking task

Hold on to your friends - Will H inspired by Langston H - Mindmap 07 - VIP

Midnight Story - 3kb - mindmap work - telling stories

Sky-clear - Class 2kb - Mindmap work - another poem

Eine Playlist von Direktor Klaus Tasch - zusammengestellt für euch!

Sehr geehrter Herr Minister - Stimmen aus dem Distance Learning

Where would you like to be NOW? - mindmap 07 - VIP & and answer to "An alle Filmfreaks..."

Words and Phrases to describe people - WAP Mindmap 08 - teacher's input

My favourite Place - Class 2kb - Mindmap work - a poem

Plagg - Pet Talk by Class 3kb - Mindmap 07 - allowed to